Yesterday was a disaster. A whole day planned to do work, yet i fail to even pick up a pen. This week's four day weekend will be heavily dominated by PPRD and text and image work and research.
On wednesday this week we were shown the basics of letterpress. By far the best thing i have done/been involved in/shown on this course so far. I loved it and definately feel that im going to involve Letterpress form in as many pieces of my work this year as i can. I produced an A3 sized piece of work with the message 'power of words' in with a whole load of mixed up random blocks of letterform. (pictures to follow)
For a bout a year now i have kept a scrap book of newspaper cuttings and bits of illustration that i enjoy and i finally been able to put alot of it to use in this text and image project. One in particular was a newspaper cutting i found from the sun, about an artist called Kiera Rathbone. Her work is incredible. She produces very detailed and intricate illustrations using only a typewriter. meaning all features on the illustrations are made intirely from characters and glyphs found on a typewriter. i'll upload some of her work shortly.
But for now.. i go back to filling my head with knowledge of artists and designers related to text and image who i will hopefully find inpsiration from.
peace out
Eddy Mac