Bridging Essay/Poster

Today we were briefed on a project that is running between various courses at the Bournemouth Arts College that is relevant to the theory work we are scheduled to do later in the year. The idea is conference based and is a joint vision between other universities around the country. Design work and theory are commonly kept separate, and as we are design students, the whole idea of this project is to convey our thoughts and discussions of an essay onto an A£ sized poster.

This is an interesting opportunity to show off my skills and knowledge of hierarchy within a poster, how important a typeface is, and how sometimes an image can portray more information than a paragraph of text. We are then either invited to another university with our work, or they are invited here, where our posters will be put up and judged on the most effective or interesting. It is obviously not all about the competition, we are encouraged to talk to other students about our posters and essays and answer any questions that they may have.   

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